Monday, September 3, 2012

Action Whey Protein Review

Overall Rating 5 out of 5

Action Whey is by far the best whey protein that I have been able to find. Emerald Essentials has cut no corners in manufacturing this product.It is the protein that I take personally and that I recommend to friends, family and clients.  It will remain at the number 1 spot, unless I discover something better - which seems highly unlikely.
If you want to read about what Emerald Essentials has to say about Action Whey then click here.
Everything that we have been looking  for in a whey product has been delivered by Action Whey. Great taste, amazing quality and a cost that is actually reflective of value of the product.
Action Whey is a superior product in virtually every way to every other whey protein on the market. Warrior Whey by Defense Nutrition is the only product that even comes close to Action Whey with regard to quality, but Action Whey still stands head and shoulders above the high-quality Warrior Whey

Friday, August 5, 2011

Quality of Whey

All whey protein powders are NOT created equal so do some homework and look at some whey protein reviews before you buy.
There are some amazing whey protein powders on the market, but unfortunately most whey powders contain inferior sources of whey which also contain dangerous artificial sweeteners and/or hidden sources of added sugar. These inferior whey products do not provide any benefit to you, and many are actually harmful to your health and negatively impact your weight loss and muscle building goals.
Another example of the importance of quality has to do with CLA (conjugated linoleic acid). CLA helps your body melt away fat. Whey protein contains the highest levels of naturally occurring CLA, but ONLY when the whey comes from grass-fed cows. If the cows did not eat grass, then you are missing out on the benefits of one nature’s most potent fat burners. Also CLA is found exclusively in the dairy fat. This means that fat-free dairy proteins such as whey protein isolate, skim milk or casein do not contain CLA. This is why you should find some whey reviews to determine if the quality of the whey you are consuming is adequate.

Read more at Whey Protein Reviews about the  Best Whey Protein

Whey Suppresses appetite

Adding whey protein to a mid-day snack or beverage should help control food intake at the next meal by giving you a sense of pleasure and satiety that helps reduce or eliminate compulsive cravings for refined carbs and sugary foods. Whey is a great source of an amino acid called Glycomacropeptide (GMP). It is known that GMP stimulates intestinal hormones that tell your brain you are full.

Read more at Whey Protein Reviews about the  Best Whey Protein

Whey helps regulate insulin and blood sugar

Whey enhances weight control, because it minimizes insulin secretion and maintains insulin sensitivity. High quality whey protein helps to stabilize blood glucose levels by slowing the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream. This lowers insulin levels making it easier for the body to burn fat.

Read more at Whey Protein Reviews about the  Best Whey Protein

Whey Repairs and Preserves Muscle

Whey protein contains high concentrations of branch-chain-amino acids. The BCAA’s replenish depleted amino acid levels and start repairing and rebuilding lean muscle tissue. BCAA’s are known for their muscle fueling, protein sparing properties.
Specific amino acids found in whey like cysteine, taurine and glutamine are critical in supporting muscle recovery, muscle retention and muscle endurance.
High quality whey protein contains the highest concentration of leucine out of all dairy proteins. Whey protein contains more leucine than milk protein, egg protein and soy protein. People who exercise and eat high-leucine diets tend to have more lean muscle tissue and less body fat compared to people who exercise and do not eat foods high in leucine.

Read more about Whey Protein Reviews at Best Whey Protein

Whey Boosts Metabolism and Increases Lean Muscle

Lean muscle likes to burn fat as fuel. An increase in lean muscle will help increase your metabolism which will help to decrease body fat levels. For every pound of muscle that is gained, there is about 50 additional calories that are burned daily because muscle is so metabolically “expensive.”
Whey is loaded with powerful muscle building nutrients, and these nutrients enhance the growth of lean muscle while helping to decrease body fat in a safe and natural way. Adding whey before and after working out will help to support fat burning, muscle growth and quicker recovery.
An additional benefit of increasing the amount of protein consumed is that the body requires more energy to digest protein than other foods which results in more calories being burned.

Read more at Whey Protein Reviews about the  Best Whey Protein

Whey Protein Helps You Burn Fat and Gain Muscle

Whey is an easily digestible, fast assimilating protein found in cow’s milk. It is a naturally complete protein, meaning that it contains all of the essential amino acids needed in one’s diet. It is naturally rich in immune supportive nutrients and antioxidants and provides numerous health benefits.
People Use Whey for Fat Loss and Muscle Building
One of the main reasons people use whey protein is to take advantage of whey’s fat burning and muscle building qualities.
There are numerous benefits that are obtained from managing weight and increasing muscle. A healthy weight can add quality years to one’s life and prevent a host of health complications. Additionally, muscle is one of the most important factors in maintaining good health. Increased muscle mass leads to better body composition and appearance, and it is also correlated with increased longevity and quality of life.
If you want to add muscle and lose fat, then adding a high quality whey protein to your exercise regimen is essential (remember it has to be high quality or you will not reap the rewards, so check out some whey reviews before buying). Diet and exercise are two of the most important keys to healthy, long-term weight loss.

Read more at whey protein reviews and the Best Whey Protein